Ozone Fine Art

Newport, OR 97365

(520) 309-1949

We no longer have a ‘brick and mortar’ location. If you’re interested in custom work, we’d be delighted to discuss options. Call and leave a message or text and we’ll be right back in touch with you. If you are hoping for a local delivery, we’d love to help! You may also submit a request for an appointment by using the email field below.

We are also taking orders for items that are sold out or not your size. If you’d like to make an order, use the email field below.

Is there an item on the website you’d like to purchase but your location is international? Send us an email so we can discuss shipping options (if available). Cheers!


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us for questions about the gallery, purchase inquiries, to join our e-mail list for updates, or to make an appointment to view the gallery.